August “First Flight” column, photos, & Jonathan’s essay

GregBrownFT809_DSCN0675eMy column this month is about a multi-talented young man named Jonathan Messiers. His flight instructor, Dorothy Schick, owner of Oregon’s Takewing Aviation, was so taken by the description Jonathan wrote of his first flying lesson that she sent it to me, inspiring this month’s column.

All of us pilots agree that flying is something special, but few can capture that magic in words the way Jonathan has. See additional photos of Jonathan’s adventure, and read his entire unedited essay.

Read my August AOPA Flight Training column about Jonathan and Dorothy here.

©2009 Gregory N.Brown

If you enjoyed this story, you’ll love Greg’s book, Flying Carpet: The Soul of an Airplane. Autographed copies available!

7 thoughts on “August “First Flight” column, photos, & Jonathan’s essay

  1. hey when i read this i was really imspired. i didnt really think that a kid my age could be so into flight like i am. his words touched me and made me want to reach my goal even more. i would like it if i could get an e-mail or some way i can get in touch with jonathan.

    1. Hi Robin! With your permission I will forward your email address to Jonathan via his mom. Is that cool with you and your folks? Greg

  2. Jonathan, tu es le plus merveilleux des petits fils que peut avoir une mamie. Je suis très fière de ta persévérance, ton sérieux, ta volonté, et je remercie aussi pour ça ta maman et ton papa qui ont cru en toi . Ne jamais décourager un enfant, même quand il peut lui arriver de douter, c’est ce qu’ils ont toujours su faire. Bravo mon coeur!

    Ta Mamie Jo qui t’aime

    1. For the benefit of my English-language readers, here is the above comment as translated by Jonathan’s mother, Mary Ann:

      “Jonathan, you are the most marvelous grandson that a grandmother could have. I am very proud of your perseverence, your commitment, your strength of will, and I also thank your mother and father who have believed in you. Believe in a child, even when he doubts himself, that’s what your parents always did. Bravo, dear heart!”

      Mercí Mamie Jo!

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