“cross-the-country” by Flying Carpet

2009 East Coast MapSmWJean and I recently completed a marvelous “cross-the-country” by Flying Carpet. I wrote four columns about our adventures along the way, along with posting photos here.

People often ask why we’d want to fly a small plane all the way across the country. See these stories and photos for our answer: Part 1 from Arizona to Illinois; Part 2 from Illinois to South Carolina via Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, Part 3 returning across the southern US from South Carolina to the Texas Panhandle, and Part 4, our last leg home to Arizona.

©2009 Gregory N. Brown

If you enjoyed this story, you’ll love Greg’s book, Flying Carpet: The Soul of an Airplane. Autographed copies available!

4 thoughts on ““cross-the-country” by Flying Carpet

    1. Thank you, Tim! Flying makes an otherwise routine (or even tedious) trip into quite an adventure. Glad you enjoyed the photos! Greg

  1. “People often ask why we’d want to fly a small plane all the way across the country.”

    Why? Three letters: T-S-A.

    “Enjoy your box lunch, ladies and gentlemen. Just a reminder…pillows and blankets are for our First Class passengers only. Keep your seats in the upright position, your teeth clenched, and try to ignore that pudgy blabbermouth sitting next to you.”

    Besides, it’s better low and slow, donchaknow?


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